Everything else

SASE Website Redesign

A volunteer project for the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE), a national 501c3 nonprofit organization. 2 other UX volunteers and I carried out UX research, including user surveys, stakeholder interviews, and usability testing to evaluate needs and wants for a redesigned website. We then supplied recommendations and high-fidelity wireframes to its volunteer IT team. The website was relaunched in 2023.

Above: Exploratory wireframes

Above: Final prototype, featured content

Above: Final prototype, secondary content


An individual class project at the University of Michigan. I designed a location-based language learning mobile app after a semester-long UX process involving user research, wireframing, testing, and prototyping.

Above: Storyboards of various concepts

Above: Sketches and evaluation of chosen idea

Above: Final prototype, sign-up and conversations

Above: Final prototype, finding activities in the world and viewing one's user profile


A group class project at the University of Michigan; my teammates were students from the School of Education. We designed a web platform for teachers and educators to share and explore teaching resources. The most important feature we delved into was a social feedback system where collaborators can suggest improvements and resources for class lesson plans.

Above: Final prototype, Feed and Explore pages (to find resources and lesson plans)

Above: Final prototype, lesson plan page (browsing and creating)

Above: Final prototype, viewing and submitting feedback or suggestions


A two-person UX research project into the Points-o-Matic game/feature of the Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) website. This was done as part of the University of Michigan School of Information's Citizen Interaction Design program. Shown below is the final presentation poster listing findings and recommendations from that project.

It's unclear if AADL implemented our findings, but there is one outcome that mattered most to me: 4 years later, my project partner and I tied the knot. 🥰

Above: Project poster with findings and recommendations

Graphic design

Miscellaneous graphics, images, or posters done for Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) marketing or class projects.